Wednesday 24 April 2013


Hi to everyone, we are on our back up north, slowly but surely.  We are still going to be travelling, lopoking at Newfoundland in June so will update as we travel.  It is always great when I check on stats and see that people are still following.  We would love to hear from you if you are following and what you think of it, you can sign in as anonymous if you wish, but would like to know who you are as well.  We have hits from all over the place, so not sure if these are chance hits or people who are actually following us.  It has been almost two years now since Sandra retired and we started on our adventure and we hope to keep it up for a while longer while we still can.

Thanks to you all and stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. I take a peek every once in a while to make sure you are behaving!

    Rick Matthews
