Wednesday 24 April 2013

Asheville NC Biltmore Estates




Biltmore Estates – Asheville, NC

We are watching weather and heading north slowly but surely, still warm, but nowhere near 86 degree weather the day before in Savannah.

We were told by several people that this was a must see.  Since we had lots of time heading north and keeping nice weather, we stopped in Asheville for a couple of days, toured the grounds and visited around the town.

The Estate is 8,000 acres owned by the Vanderbilt’s and was built in 1892.  We did a tour of the actual house that was amazing, it is four stories and they have renovated quite a bit of it.   We were not allowed to take any pictures inside but it was really amazing, the fact that they had indoor plumbing and a large swimming pool, is amazing.  See website for more of the history.


Currently, they have “Biltmore Blooms” happening, which tells you when the best time for viewing flower and we hit it just great as the spring flowers are all in bloom, as there gardens are gorgeous.  They have their tulips blooming in every colour imaginable and the azaleas are starting to bloom.  It have so many pictures, don’t know what to post, so will do the ones I like best (that is always the problem when travelling, I have been taking so many pictures in the last two years, it must be filling up the computer). We took two days to do this as a lot of walking and climbing in house as well as on estate.



Wall of "Walled garden"

View from south wing


Azalea with butterly

Rose garden



The second day we went back and did a tour of another part of the estate which was Antler Hill and Winery.  This section had the barn and several buildings with the history of Vanderbilt’s as well. We stopped for lunch at Cedric’s which was recommended by one of the fellows when we were in Florida.  We did a wine tasting at the winery and it was different that most others, they did not have a limit; there was a list of 20 wines and we could have tasted them all. (a bit much even for us).  I did a separate tasting they had of sparkling wines which there was a charge for, but the flutes were nearly full and price was reasonable.  Ken got to have a Cedric’s pale ale (Cedric was the Vanderbilt’s St. Bernard).



We did a tour around the town and then headed back to rig to set up for leaving the next day.

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