Thursday 20 June 2013

Travelling again - Kingston to Newfoundland

May 29 – June 5, 2013

Spent the week in Kingston at the annual Titaniun reunion. Spent time the group catching up, chatting around bonfire.   

Wednesday, arrived day early and set up;

Thursday went to Raxx’s for ribs with others; found place last year, cheap and good

Friday, some of them went to Casino in Gananoque

Saturday, there was a tour of the Kingston Penitentiary Warden’s house across from Kingston Pen.  The penitentiary is still open, so could not tour it.  Interesting items in the museum showing how prisoners were treated, and also what they could make out of just about anything!  The next tour was of the icebreaker in Kingston, we saw a couple of years ago, so went back to park.


Sunday, pot luck dinner in club house, great food as always.

Monday, golf day for some of the group that wanted to go, they had a good day for it

Tuesday, tour of Spindle Tree Gardens, this is operated by a couple that brought the property years ago and were spending weekends here, then found they were spending for time here than in town so he started gardening and it has become a labour of love.  They are open in summer and there is one guided tour a day or you can take a self-guided tour.  He was an architect and he has built some amazing things on the grounds, in winter he takes on “small” projects. Did not know what to expect as we were there early in season, but there are all kinds of flowers in bloom but so many different trees and pathways that is made it very interesting – worth a trip out if you are in the area. He has one helper in summer and his wife runs the restaurant and gift shop. Admission was $12.00 and you could get lunch for an additional charge.  Most of money probably goes to get more shrubs, etc.    

Wednesday, had farewell steak dinner at club house and Tony and Sharon announced they are no longer doing the reunion and Mary Moore (our sister in law) has taken over from them.


Thursday June 6, 2013

Left Kingston from Reunion at 9:30 am, said goodbyes to all.  Weather was nice and sunny for whole trip, no hold ups.  Arrived in St-Antonin, PQ around 6:30 pm park names Chez Jean – nice park, friendly people.  We only staid the night and were hooked up.  TV stations on French, but that was OK as we were tired as was a long day.


Friday June 7, 2013

Left St Antonin at around 9:30 am again and head toward Moncton.  Stopped at Irving to get gas and lunch and picked up a list of their stations throughout the eastern coast – some in USA as well.  Rain most of the day and arrived in Moncton, NB and staid at Wal-Mart. spoke to fellow in motorhome beside us and he said he stays at this one all the time and so we did not need to speak to manager.  We did go in and do some shopping.   

Saturday June 8, 2013

Left Moncton at around 9:30 again, (not sure how we work this out) and it POURED all day.  We went to McD to get breakfast and use WIFI but could not get on with my computer – girl did say it was an older Wal-Mart (with McD) and Wi-Fi was not always great with laptops – works fine with phones and tablets (my bug now in to get tablet….) Left there for Stellarton – truck not running quite right, we went to Truro to find a GM dealer but they were closed at noon.  Stopped at shop fixing large units and they called and referred us to fellow in Westville who does transmissions, just outside of Stellarton.  Arrive there and shop was actually as his home, which would have worked if just truck but could not fit the 5th wheel in.  Ken decided to keep going as not sure if transmission or not – keeps revving up and down at around 2800 RPM.  Since was nasty day, decided to keep travelling and ended up in North Sydney at Arm of Gold RV park on Bras d’or lake (see translation??)  Called to get price for here and for KOA just up the road, neither park was busy but KOA quote me 42.00 for full hook up, E\W/30, this one was 36.00 but since his Visa machine was not up and running, charged us $30.00.  They had over 400 high school kids here at the time that was getting their prom pictures taken inside due to the rain.  By the time we got here, they were mostly gone.  Did feel sorry for the kids though, all dressed up and have to bundle up like crazy to get around and some of them were SOAKED.  From here they were going to dinner and dance – oh well, the kids can handle it!!        Nice park and people, great view out back window when rain stops but did not for long.  Will see how it is overnight.  We are still booked to take ferry tomorrow at 23:45 so as long as weather ok will be going across to island.  Would like to stay here as long as we can instead of in line at dock, but will need to speak to park people.



Sunday, June 9, 2013

Staid in park until around 4:00 pm and headed for dock to sit in line.  We went in to dock office and guard advised we could leave by foot and come back in as long as we had our boarding pass.  We went in to town and had dinner at a nice restaurant on the around 9:30, went to our berth and dropped off bags then back on to ship to explore. The had double berths, about the size or twin beds, TV, bathroom c/w shower, small but since only sleeping overnight, was great (remember not a cruise ship, just very functional) They had a cafeteria, Bistro and bar.  Had couple of drinks at bar and then to bed. 


Monday, June 10, 2013


Wake up call in room at 6:00 am then up and get ready to disembark around 7:00 am.


We drove straight to Port of Bay to Barry and Lynn’s place, arrived around 4:00 pm and set up trailer. They had us in for dinner which was really appreciated!

They have a lovely little place right on the bay; the back yard is amazing and facing on the bay.  Our back window has an amazing view.  This was made even better after a few days as they were ripping down trees and grading the back yard.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

After travelling for the last few days, took some down time to set up trailer, relax and visit

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We have no internet access here, good old Rogers!! So need to go in to Botwood to the library, about 16 kilometers away to use internet. Ken’s phone also does not work, but my little cheapo Koodo package, works great, yeah TELUS!!! It is not really a big deal, but do not realize how much rely on internet to look up info, check schedules and gather information.  Checked info, and then took a drive up to Leading Tickles of Hwy 350.  FYI a “tickle” is a body of water that is smaller than a bay.  While up there, the Heritage sights and Tourist places were not open but we could still walk around and see the views and different things they had.  We stopped at Glover Harbour and saw the world’s largest squid that washed ashore here in 1878 and a couple of artisans made life size replica, 55 feet and it is at the tourist centre, so we could go and look at it.  When arrive in Leading Tickles, the museum there was also closed, but there was a dock with fishing boats and some people.  We went and talked to the fellows and they were waiting for some boats to come in with crabs.  They were off loading them unto trailers to go to the various fish sellers.  I wanted to take pictures of boats and area and they said to go ahead.  The actual boats still had not arrived when we left so did not see them unloading.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


We had Barry and Lynn come along with us to Twilingate, there had been an ice burg sighting earlier.  We left at 9:00 am and was about a two hours’ drive, but did some stopping and breakfast on the way. We did not see an iceberg, as it  either passed by us or still coming down, so did not see one. We walked out to the trails to look.  Found what looks like it may have been an ammunition bunker on face of rock. Even without that, the views and the rocks up here are amazing. The landscape of the Island by the water always has magnificent views, looking down into the bays or out to the ocean.  Inland, are trees and small lakes.  Inland, and around the side roads are mostly trees, same as northern Ontario.


Saturday June 15, 2013


We went on a mini excursion up Hwy 352 (from B&L place) to Fortune Harbour at the end of the road  as all roads lead to the Ocean at some point.


Monday June 17, 2013

Did a tour today to through Gander up Hwy 330 to Musgrave Harbour, down to Gambo, home of Joey Smallwood, Father of Confederation.  We stopped at lookout near Gambo, and you could see the whole valley ahead of you.  It is a little strange seeing train trestle or railway bridges when there are no longer any trains.  We are so used to most RV Parks having a train track with active trains quite near.

The entire trip we are watching for moose; we have been told that there are more moose in Newfoundland, than people.  As far as I can tell, they are BOTH few and far between. Went through several little villages, people living on fishing industry, this time of year the crab traps are all out.  We were surprised though that there were still quite a few new homes being built on just about all of these bays; we were told it was probably mainland money.  While travelling along Route 330, Musgrove Harbour, by Deadman’s Harbour, got a glimpse of something white out on the horizon, not sure what it was, so we started chasing it, and sure enough, an iceberg!  We were told there were none in this area when we went to Visitor Center so was really neat.  It was far out, but we confirmed with binoculars and took some pictures.  Does not show really big but a couple of them are pretty good considering the camera I have. 


Wednesday June 19, 2013

Left Barry and Lynn’s in Botwood to start heading for touring on the Eastern Side as well as St John’s.  Staying for a few days in Terra Nova National Park and will drive east from there.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics!! Sounds like you are having a great time as usual!! Love to hear what you are doing. See you when you are back in Ontario.
    Sue & Dave
