Wednesday 24 April 2013




Left Shady Acres and headed to Venice, FL to visit our friends Mike and Sue who were getting ready to leave to up north. When we pulled in, we saw this really cute little RV that had been there the year before.  I made a comment on Facebook about the size as the site we were in down south had the site beside us that was pretty tight and I thought this would have been the perfect size, take a look.


We had dinner with Mike and Sue and a few other people then went to Nokomis Beach for the Drum Circle again.  It was an overcast day so sunset was not as spectacular as other times, but was a nice evening and Shaman Mic was there, had not been last time.  He is a fixture at this drum circle to set up the circle and give out good vibes – interesting note on him on Google.



Shaman Mic


Crown (not very clear sorry)


Our RV site is right beside the Venice Rookery so we finally went over there this year.  They have an island that the birds are nesting in that is protected and they come back every year.  They had anhingas, egrets and great blue herons.  There are also a couple of alligators in the pond around them so I guess the birds learn how to fly really quickly so they don’t become lunch!!


Baby anhinga

Great blue heron


Island of various nesting birds

Heron in the open




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