Thursday 20 June 2013

Photo album - Travelling again




Our ship Blue Puttees– North Sydney, NS






1st of many rock sightings

1st of many lakes, surprises


Crab traps Leading Tickle

Leading Tickle


Fishing boats Leading Tickle

Harbour side - Leading Tickles

Glovers Harbour

 The Giant Squid (and Ken!!)



View from outlook - looking for icebergs and whales

Ocean side

Pine tree in rocks

Pet Cemetary

Looking down

Lynn on edge

Bunker in side of hill

Pink house in Twilingate

Lighthouse (new one)


Fishing dock


Floating house

You have to look close, but this is sighting of berg

Off in distance

Coming around corner

Over land

At Deadman's cove - we were of course still miles away

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