Wednesday 24 April 2013


Hi to everyone, we are on our back up north, slowly but surely.  We are still going to be travelling, lopoking at Newfoundland in June so will update as we travel.  It is always great when I check on stats and see that people are still following.  We would love to hear from you if you are following and what you think of it, you can sign in as anonymous if you wish, but would like to know who you are as well.  We have hits from all over the place, so not sure if these are chance hits or people who are actually following us.  It has been almost two years now since Sandra retired and we started on our adventure and we hope to keep it up for a while longer while we still can.

Thanks to you all and stay tuned!!!




We went to Savannah again this year as are heading north and keeping with warm weather.  We did a Red trolley tour again which we always like to do in cities that offer it.  It shows all the highlights of the main downtown areas.  We had a bit of trouble though, as when we were pulling  into the parking lot for the trolley stop, Ken notice that the brakes were soft, put some brake fluid in and it all poured out.  We went into the Visitor center and the fellow on the desk, Joel was very helpful, found a brake dealer for us that we drove down to and they proceeded to check and fix the brakes, long story short, we hung around all day as they had to get parts, make parts etc. and ended up leaving the truck there.  One of their employees’s lived near our RV Park and drove us home and picked us up in am.

We did do a walk in that area as the dealer advised they had a sandwich shop in the area and had a chance to go to Forsyth Park and walk around which we would not have done normally as we were touring.

This beautiful park, conceived by Savannahian William B. Hodgson, and named for Governor John Forsyth when it was laid out in 1851, consists of 20 acres bordering the historic district. The main walkway is highlighted by the famous white fountain, erected in 1859 and restored in 1988 by the city and community residents. The fountain was orderered from a catalogue in New York and assembled down here,
Spanish moss on trees

Entrance to park

The next day, we got up early in morning and had the driver takes us to restaurant for breakfast named Clarys which was in movie Midnight in Garden of good and Evil, which I did not know until we took the tour.  Breakfast was very good; French toast was amazing and reasonable.  We had time to kill so walked up to trolley stop and saw the different squares as we walked.  When we took the tour, it was kind of neat to get the information on what we had already walked through. 


As we had been there before, we just got off down by the river front for a nice leisurely walk. 


On the tour they mention the various movies and locations.  We have seen Forest Gump but one they kept mentioning I had not heard of. Midnight in the garden of good and evil.  Since it was from a book, I guess here is one I need to read.

Pictures I took this time is mostly of the architecture in the area, which is still pretty amazing.  They still require that all buildings in the area, if they are been renovated, need to have exteriors restored as to the original architecture.  The insides, can be totally renovated and modernized.


This is church steeple  that the feather fell down from onto to Forest





Asheville NC Biltmore Estates




Biltmore Estates – Asheville, NC

We are watching weather and heading north slowly but surely, still warm, but nowhere near 86 degree weather the day before in Savannah.

We were told by several people that this was a must see.  Since we had lots of time heading north and keeping nice weather, we stopped in Asheville for a couple of days, toured the grounds and visited around the town.

The Estate is 8,000 acres owned by the Vanderbilt’s and was built in 1892.  We did a tour of the actual house that was amazing, it is four stories and they have renovated quite a bit of it.   We were not allowed to take any pictures inside but it was really amazing, the fact that they had indoor plumbing and a large swimming pool, is amazing.  See website for more of the history.


Currently, they have “Biltmore Blooms” happening, which tells you when the best time for viewing flower and we hit it just great as the spring flowers are all in bloom, as there gardens are gorgeous.  They have their tulips blooming in every colour imaginable and the azaleas are starting to bloom.  It have so many pictures, don’t know what to post, so will do the ones I like best (that is always the problem when travelling, I have been taking so many pictures in the last two years, it must be filling up the computer). We took two days to do this as a lot of walking and climbing in house as well as on estate.



Wall of "Walled garden"

View from south wing


Azalea with butterly

Rose garden



The second day we went back and did a tour of another part of the estate which was Antler Hill and Winery.  This section had the barn and several buildings with the history of Vanderbilt’s as well. We stopped for lunch at Cedric’s which was recommended by one of the fellows when we were in Florida.  We did a wine tasting at the winery and it was different that most others, they did not have a limit; there was a list of 20 wines and we could have tasted them all. (a bit much even for us).  I did a separate tasting they had of sparkling wines which there was a charge for, but the flutes were nearly full and price was reasonable.  Ken got to have a Cedric’s pale ale (Cedric was the Vanderbilt’s St. Bernard).



We did a tour around the town and then headed back to rig to set up for leaving the next day.




Left Shady Acres and headed to Venice, FL to visit our friends Mike and Sue who were getting ready to leave to up north. When we pulled in, we saw this really cute little RV that had been there the year before.  I made a comment on Facebook about the size as the site we were in down south had the site beside us that was pretty tight and I thought this would have been the perfect size, take a look.


We had dinner with Mike and Sue and a few other people then went to Nokomis Beach for the Drum Circle again.  It was an overcast day so sunset was not as spectacular as other times, but was a nice evening and Shaman Mic was there, had not been last time.  He is a fixture at this drum circle to set up the circle and give out good vibes – interesting note on him on Google.



Shaman Mic


Crown (not very clear sorry)


Our RV site is right beside the Venice Rookery so we finally went over there this year.  They have an island that the birds are nesting in that is protected and they come back every year.  They had anhingas, egrets and great blue herons.  There are also a couple of alligators in the pond around them so I guess the birds learn how to fly really quickly so they don’t become lunch!!


Baby anhinga

Great blue heron


Island of various nesting birds

Heron in the open




Final month in Florida Shady Acres

Tour of Naples


Went for a boat tour out of Naples, thought it was going to be a dolphin cruise but arrived and were told it was a site seeing tour.  The day was beautiful, the price and company was good so we did a tour on the inside area of Naples bay and got a chance to look at some amazing homes.  Our guide was telling us that the majority of these are only used occasionally as these people all had several different homes.  One side of the cut had the multimillion dollar homes as they could get to the beach easily, the other side had to drive a long way around and were only worth around half a million – as they say location, location, location!!!


A few shots of gorgeous homes and a boat or two…





Easter Sunday


Had a different Easter than usual this year.  We went out to Matlache on Pine Island and found that nothing was open; we figured the small touristy shops would be open.  We were going to do that and then go to a bar on the island.


Last year we went with other friends to Burt’s bar and this year, we ended up at the Ragged Ass Saloon further up the Island.  Quite a few bikers hanging out but others as well – several of the people from the park with bikes would head out here for a get together, music later in the day.


Ken & Sandra

Jon & Eileen


We had lunch and a pint or two (& wine) then headed back to downtown Fort Myers. 

They have been working on rejuvenating the area for a while and it was completed in December 2013.  It was very quiet down there as well.  Good part about that is no problem finding parking for large truck which is what we all travel in.


Headed home and had quite dinner at our house with Jon & Eileen.
This is end of March and just about everyone has left the park or is leaving.  We are staying a couple of extra days so don't get in the mad rush on the highway or out of the park.  As we are only going to Venice, a couple of hours up the road, it is no big rush for us.
So have been saying goodbye to friends down here until next time.