Sunday 21 July 2013

Nova Scotia - Maitland Tidal bore


We had been to the Bay of Fundy to see the Hopewell rocks back in 2006 and it was amazing.  When researching this area, we were told of a town on the Shubenacadie River, South Maitland which is the Fundy Tidal interpretive center where we could go to see the tidal bore. They are partially funded but have a token fee of $3.00 per person.  When you do this, they have a pathway that is blocked off that takes you to a platform over the water.  One of the fellows comes out when the Tidal bore starts and gives quite a bit of information.  The tide is totally out and comes in very quickly during high tide. It actually is a tidal wave travelling upstream. When it comes in, it temporarily reverses the flow of the river. It does make quite a noise as it comes in. It was amazing to watch where there were mud flats and have them starting to disappear before your eyes. Some of the highest tides are in this area which can get to  39m.There are a couple of tour companies that do Tidal bore rafting, not as exciting as white water rafting but looks like fun.  The sand in this area is very red and when you do go swimming or mud sliding, you wear old clothes as they will never get clean!

Start time 11:10

Mud flat

Mud flat under bridge

Mud sliding and getting ready to raft the waves



Waves and rafting - all covered


No beach and waves

End 11:55 - then needs to fill up to height in about 3 hours

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