Sunday 21 July 2013

Nova Scotia - Lunenburg

Nova Scotia

When we were down east when we first got our rig (2006) we went to PEI, NB and did Cape Breton Island but not the rest of Nova Scotia so decided to spend some time here.

We stayed in an RV Park in North Sydney (Arms of Gold) that was quite nice and right near the ferry (we stopped here on way down as well). The owner told us about the anniversary of Lunenburg, so we decided to do a day trip while we were here.




This year was the 300th anniversary of Lunenburg. You drive to the park area for your tickets and then a shuttle drives you out to the actual Fortress location.  As we were entering, there was a French “soldier” questioning people as to why they wanted in; since the family in front of us was French, he was questioning them in French and was telling them that they had to be careful of “English” spies trying to get in. (Remember this was a French fortress) He then asked about rest of people, if French or English, I responded “un petit peu” (a little bit) and was accused of spying and to be careful if they let me in.  Couple behind us piped up, “thanks, we may never get in” – all good fun.

The have rebuilt some buildings and you can go through the, others are just maintained to the minimum so that they can be seen from outside.  One of the ones inside was the home of a commanding officer and had people telling of them having several servants, cooks, gardeners, etc. 

At noon they have a ceremonial shooting of the cannon on the grounds accompanied by drum corps and riflemen.  The cannon, if it had actual ammunition, would go a couple of miles but may or may not hit anything – not accurate but pretty explosive.  The worst part is the soldiers that were in charge were more likely to be hurt or killed than the enemy!

Drummers and pipers
Ready, aim

As this is part of Parks Canada, we used our discovery passes again; these were definitely worth the price we paid and can be used until next June across Canada.

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