Saturday 24 September 2011

Cascade Cove outside Christina Lake, BC

September 21, 2011

We went walking through the park today Cascade Cove, there is a river at the bottom of the hill, Kettle River which is the bottom of the Cascades Falls.  We thought the way they were talking that we would be able to see from here but could not.  Spoke to one of the locals who advised us where to go to be able to walk TransCanada trail. There were rickety stairs off the highway leading to a small walking path.  Went through bush for a while, could hear them but not see. We then saw some people around the ridge so went a little further.  Ken went out a bit more by a ledge and did get some pictures.  At this time of year, there is not much of a flow in most of these areas, but the springtime would be awesome.  While in the bush, did not see any animals but there was bear scat in a couple of places so we whistled and clapped and made lots of noise (that’s what they say to do).
Did a bit of shopping in town after that and back to the trailer
September 22, 2011                
Since it was not far away, we decided to take a day trip to the Okanagan Valley and do a few wine tours, can’t really do that with the rig, too many little roads to drive into. Drove truck to Penticton yesterday and did a bunch of wine tastings at all the wineries, it was fun and had lunch around 2 PM and visited some more wineries and headed home. The country out here is just gorgeous, but the hills are downright scary some of them. We have been lucky enough to find routes that go around mountains and large lakes or rivers; it makes the trip a little longer but much more relaxing.  The road we took to the Valley went through a town called Osoyoos, at the very bottom of the valley and in a couple of places (I did take pictures) you were practically turning around on yourself.  If it was on a train you would see the back end come back in front of yourself.  The view of the town from that angle was amazing.  I had the Garmin on for height and it went from 762ft in the valley to 3800 ft. once we got to the top again.  We had originally planned to head west the same way but have now decided to take another highway out, 33 and go up to Kelowna and back on to 3 to Chilliwack.  That’s the good part about doing the way we did for the trip instead of the back way. 
We have been in some pretty high mountains but not quite as steep to get around and down, so far!!!.
It was a full day but well worth the side trip.
September 23, 2011
Stayed home today, Ken wanted to wash bugs off front of trailer and they let him use the power washer, so got to do the whole trailer.  Got rid of the Prairies wheat dust and bugs.  Spent the rest of the day just hanging out, temperature got up to 30 C so nice day to be outside. Majic Jack to call Sam and kids, did not work very well, not sure if it is the machine or the WIFI, also left VM for John & Judy, and it was garbled.  Need to check out more with possibly a hard line.

  Met a couple that are staying here the summer and had a chat and sat at fire with them for a while and then we had out nightly crib tournament and to bed.

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