Wednesday 21 September 2011

BC September 17

September 18th & 19th 2011

Left Crowe’s Nest Pass and headed towards Creston, BC.  Still very windy but a nice drive; took our time, stopped and made lunch – which we are doing most of the time now.   Set up camp late in the day.  The next day we went to town the do the Koontenay beer tour, yes this is the home of Kootenay. The one day we decide to do lunch in town, were recommended to a nice little bakery.  Now I know why we don’t do lunch - $27.00 for soup and sandwich.. only good thing there were leftovers for that night.
 Went through the plant where they showed us the different process from beginning right on down to the lines for bottling (approx. 160,000 a day).   There was one of the vats that was 3 stories tall, I do have a picture of Ken beside one of them and no, he does not have a funnel or tap anywhere near him.
Side note to Creston, is that Bountiful is not that far away – if you listen to news, which would be where the Mormon sect has been having some issues.
When we got back, there was a message from Bill and Marlene, who we met in Calgary and we went up to visit them.  They house is on the side of the mountain and practically looks down onto the RV park (Pair-A-Dice RV, not a casino).  Great location and as they said if earlier, we would have had a great view of the valley. They moved from Sarnia 17 years ago and said was the best thing they could have done.  You think I am going on an adventure, the packed up her and the babies and came out here to live, sight unseen.. that was gutsy too.
There are all kinds of wildlife in the area, but we did not see anything, other than one deer on the whole way out.
Had a nice visit and more suggestions for things to do.  This is another nice part about the travelling; you meet nice and interesting people along the way.  Will keep in touch with them and may meet them somewhere along our travels again.
They did mention a nice trip for the next day, taking the loop up around the Kootenay Lake.

September 20, 2011

Left later in morning and did the loop around 3A, Kootenay Lake.  We have been travelling along Hwy 3 all the way from Alberta so that we would take the lowest area through Crowe’s Nest Pass and all kinds of scenery including mountains everywhere.  We took the Kootenay Lake fairy across the lake, one of the longest no charge ferry still in existence.  The whole road there and back was almost like a roller coaster, speeds went from 100 to 40 in some areas (speed limit west has been about 110 the whole time).  We were thinking of heading to Chilliwack when we left, but as the drive was a little longer, just decided to see where we were at 3:00 and make a decision.  There were several parks in the area and we decided on Cascade Cove – it is on the Kettle River and there is a Falls not far away.
We also wanted to do some of the Okanogan Valley and wine areas so have decided to stay here for a week, just regroup as we have been travelling pretty much every other day lately.  We will do a couple of day trips and that is easier when we are not pulling the truck since we do have lots of time to do it.
Since we also have decent WIFI here, I will update this blog, as well as uploading the rest of the current pictures we have.  There are more pictures of everything, but I am trying not to bore you with too many.
I will also put a few trailer park names and ratings out there for those of you with RV’s of some sort.

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