Monday 17 March 2014

South Padre Island, Tx

South Padre Island


As weather was not the greatest, we only went to the beach twice, which is South Padre Island on the Gulf.  This is the day we went with friends as it was supposed to be hot and clear. As we were going to Island we were driving through fog and it lifted once we crossed the bridge. We decided to drive to the farthest end as we had never been that far before.  Because of the heavy winds here, the road needs to be plowed at the end to keep it open.  They have front end loaders just like we have to plow snow up north to keep roads open.  The sand dunes at that end are kind of cool and not expected.
Road along beach
Ken on the sand dune

this is tip of the Island between Gulf and intercoastal
The beach is quite nice, there are several places you can pull in to park for free, some have a park with them and there is a charge of $5.00 per vehicle, but you can park at any of them all day if you want to move around.  The charge ones have washrooms and BBQ pits  which is one of  reason to actually stay at those.

It stayed foggy all day but the section we sat in, had the sun right above us.  The beach looked completely empty, and then when the fog lifted, we could see people walking out of the fog, almost like a zombie movie!  

 Could not even see the hotels along the strip and there are a lot of them.

Beach area and few of the locals.
A little side note, while we were there, a couple was walking on the beach along with some friends once the fog lifted, and the young man went down on one knee and proposed, it was really cute and everyone around started cheering.  Could not get camera out fast enough but what a nice way to propose.  (she did say yes by the way)

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