Monday 16 January 2012

Starting 2012

Tuesday January 11, 2012
Today, we took a Mexican cruise that the men took the ladies on.  Here is a picture of the ship we took as well as a property we were looking at purchasing.

OH well, it actually was a ride on the Rio Grande, between Mexico and Texas – the captain said it was the Mexican cruise that all the women were promised!!

This area was pretty well destroyed back in 2010 by high waters due to hurricane.  They are just rebuilding some properties.  The one I am showing was up for sale the year before for 3 million, on now for ½ price at 1.5 M.  Still too much for a fixer upper

There is one section near a park that the Rio Grande waters were strong enough to separate the land and make a new area that separates it and the sends the river on another direction.  

Mexico side

Straight ahead used to be land
 The guide was telling us that once the sugar cane is picked, they do a burn so that it can be regrown.  Unfortunately at some time in the past, they had several illegals that were hiding in the cane and were burned, some dying.  Now they post signs in English and Spanish all around, have warning shots etcetera so that if anyone is in their, the hopefully will leave.  The border patrol also is patroling this side on the roads and they have sensors on the paths that they can also detect any illegals coming across.
Sugar cane US side

Mark half way up is water line


 Had lunch then went for a drive through one of the RV parks – Chimney Park.
The border crossing guards are stationed right at the side of this park and there is a boat ramp.  Last June some smugglers drove right through and down the ramp into the river with border patrol shooting.  Cartel retrieval teams unloaded 400 pounds of marijuana and started moving the bundles across the river to Mexico when border patrol and police arrived. This was just south of Mission Texas, three smugglers were shot, and one dead.  The river at this point is very narrow but up to 50’ deep.

One Wednesday, we took a tour out to South Padre Island on the Gulf coast.  On the way, stopped in at San Benito and met up with an old friend I had worked with, Leonora and spent some time with her.  For you all that know her, she is doing fantastic and a going concern as always!! 
Went for drive up and down the coast, a lot of stores closed but that is due partly to the season, but some look like they will never be re-opening, but there are several large condos going up, so someone must have money somewhere.  The part is though, that a lot of people you speak to, say it is too hot to stay here in summer but of course not everyone can be leaving the state.

Port Isabel light house

Bridge to South Padre


More beach

Look familiar anyone?

We walked along the beach, not as clean as Florida, but nice white sand, the water was still cold, put feet in as usual through just to say we did.  Took a few picutures, there was one wind surfer out but not too many people on beach.  It was over 20 C 70 F but too cold for the locals.

  Went to Pier 19 for a drink (2$ each... at happy hour).  While there, saw several pelicans of course but also some dolphins.  By the time I had the camera out, they were pretty far away, but if you look really close, you can see some - black spots – that’s them!

Spots on left are my dolphins ( squint people!!)
Pelicans - easy to see

From there we went to Pelican Station a nice seafood restaurant on the bay – excellent food – enjoying seafood while we can.

Saturday was my birthday and I was feeling a little bit down because everyone kept deserting me!
Ken did wish me a Happy Birthday in the morning.  We also lost our email service at this time, so no emails or call either.
Later that day, Ken did take me out for dinner and lo and behold, a party!! With new friends we met; Mike and Bonnie, Bill and Bea, Dru and Alice and of course Jim and Mary, Ken arranged for them to meet us out at dinner.  Nice restaurant down here called Cheddar's, excellent food again and a birthday cake!!!!. (Thanks Mary)  Had a nice time then had them all back to our place for drinks.
Not feeling low now!

We went to Mexico with Mike and Bonnie and drove to the border, parked on the American side and walked across.  There is a toll booth (.25 to get in and out).  Under the bridge, people were putting their hats out begging for money. The long main street is lined with stores and people of both sides, trying to sell drugs from their pharmacy’s, dentists by the dozen, girls saying pedicure, manicure, hair, waxing and young kids trying to hawk just about anything. Every few feet were jewelry vendors as well.  Quite a few people from the US and some from Canada as well have come down here to use their dentists and have had no problems with them and they say it is reasonable. I have no idea how all these people make a living. At least we can say we did it.  This border town is supposedly the "safe" one.  But there are people here that go over on a regular basis - this is Progresso, they say don't go to Reynosa.  Brownsville, which is just a 1 1/2 away, arrested several people just the other day, as that is also a border town.

Border Bridge

Mexico Ken, ME, Dru, Alice, Bonnie

Facade on one of the buildings, was probably great at one time

Mike - he took our first picture

We are enjoying all of this though, and meeting new people is always fun.  We are here for another week and then will be on the road again.  May have some side trips before we leave and if so will update as we go.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Sandra!!
    Nice that Ken had a party for you!!
    Sue & Dave
