Tuesday 18 October 2011

Pacific Border RV - as of October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011

After a quiet and rainy 2 weeks in Chilliwack, where we did celebrate Thanksgiving, just the two of us which was a little different than other years.   I have pictures of the park, where the grass is very green but the few non evergreen trees have changed colours totally since we got here.

We are now in Pacific Border RV Park, right at the border of BC and Washington. We are at 0 Ave. and if we walk down this street, need to stay on our side as the other is U.S. and we were told if wrong side, they will bring you home!  There is a small pub just beside the park that we went to for dinner on Friday, reasonable and Friday’s have wine at $3.00 off – my kind of pub..

 The sun has been shining since we got here, not really warm, but with the sun out, it makes you feel better (me at least!!).  Park is very nice pool, hot tub, also has tools that you can borrow if you want for minor issues and the ONLY park we have been to that encourages you to wash your rigs – right on your sight.  We are going to take this opportunity to do some cleaning and waxing.

Am managing to get some sigh seeing in again. 

We are just outside of White Rock, BC which is a great little tourist town on the water – the street is one side all stores and restaurants, the other beach side is walk ways and beaches.  Pretty quiet at this time of year, and some places closed down, but still nice for a walk.  We did this area then drove around up the rest of the water ways.

Today drove to check out where the ferries were for trip to Vancouver Island – Victoria and Nanaimo.  They leave from Twassen (sic) which is about ½ hour from here so that is pretty close and all highway driving. We drove right up to gate, did not realize could not get out but at least got to speak to one of the ticket agents and were advised that in morning, Nanaimo would probably be the least busy; most people in am go to Victoria, probably work related.  We will be going there on weekend as want to spend some time on Island.

We went into Vancouver as well and to Stanley Park.  This place is another really amazing area.  It is a large park, right downtown Vancouver – huge trees, different areas to see, 3 beaches and all within walking distance from of the large high rises in the area.  Even a Sunday in October, it was very busy.  Bike rental places all along the streets leading up to park.  There are separate areas for walking, biking and boards. We stopped and looked at the Totem poles and then we walked the sea wall at one side, looked out into the port and Lions Gate bridge, several freighters coming in.  Along with these were all the small pleasure boats, still out and about on ocean and rivers at this time of year. 

 Went over to Prospect point and 3rd Beach, the beaches had people on them still as well.  Did not see any large sea creatures but did see jelly fish in the water and on the beach – again not expecting to see something like this in Canada – always thought they needed warmth. There is an aquarium, several restaurants and picnic areas all over the park.  There were people just sitting on benches in the sun reading, you could probably do this for hours.  The only fee is parking which was $5.00 ($10.00 in summer) for the day and you could drive around to another area if you wanted, at any time.
Bye for now, will keep updating info.

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