Monday 22 August 2011

We are finally on our road to adventure……

We are finally on our road to adventure……

It took us this long to get everything sorted out. 

 I retired in May after 36 years with Wajax; lots of time, lots of memories, time to go…Ken has been retired for about 3 years already and was getting lonely so we decided it was time for me to keep him company.

We wanted to put the house up for sale so we worked on getting it ready for a showing in April. We lucked out on the timing on that for sure.  We finally listed in early April 20 in the morning, viewings started at 10:00 am (about 7)  got two offers that same night and signed off the one – house sold!  We had a closing of end of July which would work out great.   Two weeks later, got a call while we’re at a friend’s for dinner party asking to have the closing changed to June 27 so had to really get cracking to get everything done and sold off.  If I had still been working, we never would have gotten the house prepared to move that quickly – we sold quite a bit off, stored some stuff – Goodwill, the scrap guy and the dump knew us quite well by the time we moved out

Sam and Jeff’s wedding was in the Dominican end of May, all his family and friends enjoyed it all.  The kids had a great time, weather was very hot but pool was great and they had lots of ice for drinks!!

We then moved into to trailer and went all the way to Milton, yes, Ontario.  Had lots of things to sign off, banking, doctors, etc. so did not leave that area until end of July.  During that time I also helped organize a ??th, birthday party for my sister in law Mary, so that was fun to do as well and kept me busy. She said she had a great time and that was the whole purpose. (Jim’s idea and budget, my execution, we did good!!)

We also sold our boat in this same time frame to a friend of ours, Terry so we were boat less for the summer.  Did not notice much as all of our boating friends offered us visits and boat rides.  Terry even let us use the boat one weekend while they were away and we took the grandkids up for the day – was great day.  Then had John and Judy and Glenn and Donna have us up for a few days, so we did get some boating in this summer – one of the best ones in years.

July 26, we left Milton and went as far as Palgrave, On and staid in that area for a few days until we could get into Heidi’s in Hawkestone.  We were there for a couple of weeks and in that time the guys had their semiannual golf game that was rained out in the spring. So went to lake one more time, staid at Sam and Jeff’s in Mississauga for a couple of days then back to park.  We have stored my Mboo for the time being at my cousin’s farm until we need it again.  No use using two vehicles at this point and pay insurance while not driving.

We are currently in Algonquin Trails, just outside of Algonquin park for a few more days, then to Parry Sound for Tugfest  on the 25th as planned, the on to Sault SteMarie on the  29th of August.

With all of the above happening, I think I now feel like we are on vacation and not working, it took this long – I have been too busy to think of what retirement is like.  What I am finding already though that the days are getting confused already – age or retirement??

So this is our “catch up” and blog set up – will post now once we get on the move and get some pictures happening.

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