Saturday 12 August 2017

A continuation of Ken and Sandra's Excellent Adventure 

Mini adventure

Alaska Bound.

We decided that since we did not go south last year I would start looking for cruises.  Well I started in March then could not decide on one and it was now May!  That got me on another thought so I started for,Alaska, called travel agent and BANG we were booked.
We had Avion air miles we never used for ourselves and I booked air with them.

All ready and packed to go.
We were off and running to the airport.  As there had been so many traffic issues I asked limo to pick us up early.  Our flight was for 1:00 pm so wanted to get there in plenty of time.. Good old Murphy's, only took an hour so we waited for three hours.  

Welllll,,,, as we waited I was looking around and paying attention and low and behold, when plane we were taking arrived I saw 3 Border Patrol officers climb ladder to front of plane.  Then a bit later Pearson Fire truck and three EM guys to up ladder.  Passengers start coming off and lady taken out in wheel chair with Boarder guys as well at end.  Westjet at least kept telling us there was a delay but not what is was until we started to board - an hour late.  Problem:  medical but also boarder wanted to inspect the plane -it was coming from Port of Spain which is the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, hmmmmm.

Lovely flight, Ken had window, I was in middle and nice small person on aisle so lots of room. Behind us crying baby( 3 month old)  but only when we were taking off and coming down, little ears.

Then we landed.  Pilot said luggage would arrive in about 20 minutes.
Wellll.....we were late but actually earlier than they thought we would. E  so ground crew was not ready, then the gate was not working and had to wait for that, but at least when we went for luggage, it was there.

Went to get hotel shuttle, they said 20 minutes. Wellll..... did not arrive until 30 minutes later and then white van showed up and said he was there as the hotel's had broken down, so us and another couple were on our way as I had overheard them saying they were waiting for Accent hotel as well.

Got to hotel, booked in, went to IHOP which was attached and had dinner and went to bed at 9:30 our time as we were wacked.