Saturday 9 March 2013

Winter down south continued

People often wonder what we do while we are here. There are many organized activities if you choose to participate, but sometimes things just seem like a good idea at the time.

The day before the Super bowl, several people were hanging around talking (and having toddy or two) and started a bear can regatta on our lake – the boats were built with beer cans and duct tape and set free.  Unfortunately when the wind caught the sails, they were promptly swept away.  This resulted in people from both side of our “lake” having to send them back to the starting point, to Captain Johnny.

We had several people watching as well as a few of the lake citizens.

A helping hand

Neck to neck

Intereference by in water citizen

The winner ??????

While this was going on, some people had been playing washers and a tournament was organized for the next day, so we had a pre Super bowl tournament and pot luck dinner, basically very impromptu by people on our street.
They started

Spectators relaxing

Ken & Eileen ready to start

Ken  shooting

The winners

Not winners


 Discussion was also on about possibly having a Mardi Gras parade the next week and it became so, along with music and drinks by the pool, put on by the park.  Amazing what people can do!!!!

One of the things we had always wanted to do was an airboat ride in the everglades so we went along with friends of ours, Jon and Eileen, for the day to Everglades City.  If was really interesting and quite a bit of fun.  It started out rather slowly so I was unsure what was happening, but once they passed through the slow zone (manatee area), our driver just let it all our and we were speeding through the mangroves and in and out of the maze of trees. 

On the move


Between the mangroves


 We did not see alligators in this area, as they were further inland but we saw a colony of raccoons in a bush. 

I counted over a dozen of them as they came right out to boat when the driver slowed down.  They were very cute and quite a bit smaller than ours back home when fully grown. 
Look closely and count

This one is just hanging around

Another bunch
This particular company could take you through where the grasses were as well, which is what I thought the Everglades ride would be through, but this is now a protected area and very few can go into in now.


Through the grasses

From there we headed south and stopped for lunch and then to Great Cypress Park to see the alligators, the welcome center has a boardwalk that you can stroll along and see different birds and quite a few alligators nesting. The anhinga is a swamp bird common to Florida and we saw a nest of them when we were visiting friends up in Venice - they are huge birds.
Standing on the boardwalk, you can see dozens of alligators lying around, some moving, some just relaxing in the sun.  They move around in the area when they need food or something changes in their habitat.
Just lying around

Note the fish feeding off 'gators back - they don't go near his mouth though!

Fish jumping - these guys will jump right out of the water and on land and back - from the catfish family

Thinking about dinner

Really thinking

Great, there's dinner..

This is a very large area and a National Park that would take you most of the day to go through and on back roads.  This could be a trip for another day.