Thursday 31 January 2013

December Update

November 28

Finished setting up the trailer and checking in to RV Park and paying as we came in after hours.  Temperature has been in low 60’s but no snow or rain or anything.  The park has quite a few Christmas decorations up – a really cute blow up one with an RV and Santa.  Still not used to seeing decorations up when people are in shorts and weather is warm, but will get used to it.  Had several “big bangs” while we were here.  Warner Robbins air force base is just 20 miles up the road and they do training exercises; these are jet fighter planes and they quite often break the sound barrier so it makes the trailer shake and very loud.  (forgot about this part from the year here before)  It is during the day so not disturbing for sleep. 


Ken’s brother and wife (Jim & Mary) arrived Sunday afternoon and since they had been travelling a couple of days I had them over for dinner and then they left to crash for the night.  The days are long when we are travelling south the first couple of days to escape the cold!

Spent a couple of days with them, went out for nice dinner at restaurant we discovered while in Texas, called Cheddars – not a lot around and they don’t advertise but food is good and reasonable.

December 5 2012

We both packed up on Wednesday to head towards our destinations.  J & M were heading to visit some friends in North Fl on way to Texas and we were on way to visit friends in Venice. FL – we have stopped here a couple of times over the years visiting Mike and Sue - see them more often down here than we do when we are home- they aren't that far away from us, go figure!!!  She had Mike decorating the house and it looks great, still rather strange with flowers, etc,  but we are getting used to it.


Arranged to go with Sue to Warm Springs in Northport FL., on Thursday. This is warm spring water (87) with a spa attached; really pretty area.  There is an admission fee for the day, the locals can buy seasonal, just to use the spa and lie in the sun all day if they want.  There are some exercise classes you can take as well some wellness lectures.  Also available for a few are a wide range of spa services.  I could not get one for the time we were there as they had already booked up, but may try on the way back.  The springs are a mineral spring (smell slightly like sulphur) but apparent good for the body.  Lots of old folks around (:



Ken had some stuff to do around trailer and then he went to their place to meet up with Mike.  We went back there for dinner.

Friday went for drive around and some shopping.

Saturday, went to beach, stopped at Tiki Bar in Englewood for lunch and drink.  Had two fellows playing music so listened to them for a while and then a short walk on the beach.


Sunday to M & S again for swim and BBQ – nice visit as always and another friend Jeannette came to join us. 


Monday, Jeannette visited, first time to actually see trailer as we just never got a chance to get together before, just being too busy.

December  2012

We were not due to book into park until 15th of December, but since we were running a little early, they let us in.  Checked in and friends that we thought were coming later were already here so had someone we knew right off the bat.  Getting trailer set up and decorated inside for Christmas, not as much as big house but at least we have a tree and stockings.

Have the outside set up with lights as well as our true Canadian Mountie to let us know which way the wind blows.  We are backed onto a “lake” which is more of a pond.  It has several ducks, egrets, turtles, otters (yes real ones), frogs and fish (this what we have seen so far).


We did get out to one place we had tried before Junkanoo’s which is a little bar on Fort Myers Beach for a drink.  Right beside it is an RV park on the beach.  We did look at it and it is very pricey, only has weekly rates for beach, monthly if you wanted on other side of road.  The big Class A (motorhomes) were the ones out in front as their biggest windows are on the front of the rig, no windows in back and these are drive in sights.


Had Christmas dinner at clubhouse this year, we were expecting turkey but they served ham and roast beef, turkey is their Thanksgiving meal.


For New Year’s eve, they had dance with hor’s d’oeuvres and a DJ.  We managed to stay up until midnight (just) so that was kind of nice as well.  The next day we had a pot look dinner with 23 others from the street so got to meet even more people.  We are doing our best to remember names, but with so many it makes is handy when people have their names on signs outside their trailer.  We actually even have ours on our door (helps us to remember too!!!!)


As there was so much happening around park from time we arrived, did not get around to many outside places in December.  We are also planning our Disney Cruise for January 12, 2013 so busy with updates and getting tickets. Etc.